Interested in joining Team Oregon? Come to our tryouts and discover what makes us unique! Tryouts provide an opportunity to measure your skills against some of the best players in the state. Our entire coaching staff will be present to assess each player's abilities and determine the right team placement. Players will undergo a 90-minute evaluation, and some may be invited to a supplemental tryout for further assessment. Join us in August and show us your talent!
If you can't make the August 11th tryout, don't worry! We'll use our September 8th practice as a supplemental tryout session. During this practice, players will train with their age groups for 90 minutes while being evaluated. If you're unable to attend on either date, please contact us. We're flexible and can assess your skills through referrals, video footage, or other available methods.
Tryout Cost: $45
Uniform Cost for Players who did not participate in Summer ‘24: $75 (Cost incurred after being placed on a team)
Date & Times
When: Sunday, August 11th
2035 - 2030 : 12:00 - 1:30 pm
2029 - 2025 : 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Oregon Episcopal School
6300 SW Nicol Rd, Portland, OR, 97223
Supplemental Tryout
When: Sunday, September 8 2023
OES: 6300 SW Nicol Rd, Portland, OR, 97223
Lakeridge High School: 1235 Overlook Dr, Lake Oswego, OR 97034