Tournaments have been selected to directly reflect the competition and exposure needed for each age group. We recognize that summer can be a busy time, so our summer schedule has been carefully put together. Please note the timeline of the tournaments that we will be attending. Based on previous experience we feel that we have assembled the best schedule to accommodate each team's needs. *Please be aware that playing time is not guaranteed at our AA level, these are play to win teams.
For our local teams, our focus is to cultivate high-level opportunities to help our players create new relationships, to grow their skills/IQ, and to enjoy their lacrosse experience with less travel and lower costs. In doing so, we provide the necessary resources and avenues for our players to advance opportunities for themselves with their school teams and at higher levels.
For our middle school and youth travel teams, our primary focus is to maximize development while having a fun lacrosse experience. We attend the most competitive and fun local and/or regional tournaments available, challenging us to become better players, teammates, and people. This provides a priceless opportunity to improve our skills and athleticism, to build friendships, and enjoy playing this amazing sport!
For our high school travel teams, our primary focus, in addition to all of the above, is to help create opportunities for and prepare our players for the next level. The recruiting landscape is constantly evolving and in order to be effectively recruited it is critical to be at the right events, with the right coaches, at the right time.
Tournament Details by Age Group
<Please note that any tournaments listed as ‘Optional 4th Event’ will require additional payment on top of the Summer Team Fees if the team choses to attended>
*Tournaments listed as ‘Based on Team Survey’ will be finalized based on team survey between which 2 events work better for the the team *
Tournament Schedules are subject to change based on the best interest of each team.
High School and Middle School Local Teams: (26A, 27A, 28A, 29A, 30A, 31A)
Northwest Summer Open: June 21-22, Portland, OR
South Sound Summer Slam: July 12-13, Tacoma WA
*Western Shootout: July 12-13, Colorado Springs, CO
Cascade Summer Shootout: July 26-27, Bend OR
*(Only 2028A Attending)
High School Travel Teams:
2026AA, 2027AA, 2028aa
PrimeTime Summer Championship: June 14-15, New Haven, CT
The Open Lacrosse Invitational: June 24-25, Marlboro, MD
West Coast Showdown: July 19-20, Sunnyvale CA
Middle School Travel Teams:
2029AA, 2030AA, 2031aa
Denver Shootout: June 13-15, Denver CO
Vail Lacrosse Tournament: June 17-19, Vail CO
Cascade Summer Shootout: July 26-27, Bend OR
West Coast Showdown: July 19-20, Sunnyvale CA
Youth Teams:
Northwest Summer Open: June 21-22, Portland, OR
West Coast Showdown: July 19-20, Sunnyvale CA
Cascade Summer Shootout: July 26-27, Bend OR
Youth Teams:
2032A, 2033aa, 2033A
Northwest Summer Open: June 21-22, Portland, OR
South Sound Summer Slam: July 12-13, Tacoma WA
Cascade Summer Shootout: July 26-27, Bend OR
Youth Teams:
2034/2035AA, 2034/35a
Northwest Summer Open: June 21-22, Portland, OR
Cascade Summer Shootout: July 26-27, Bend OR